The apple of Lineage 2 is a war-torn acreage spanning two continents, area assurance and betrayal affray as three kingdoms vie for power. The adolescent baron Raoul has auspiciously quenched a civilian war and accustomed the newest kingdom, Aden. Elmore, the aggressive superpower amid in the arctic allotment of the continent, boasts that it is a absolute descendent of age-old Elmoreden kingdom.
Gracia, amid beyond the ocean on the west, is currently affected in a anarchic action a part of claret ancestors aggravating to yield over the throne. These kingdoms allotment a aerial antithesis of power; however, aural anniversary commonwealth they are accessible to centralized strife, as anniversary estate has able admiration for self-rule.
You accept been befuddled into this chaos. However, clashing the accustomed humans who adjure anniversary day for safety, you accept the ability to assure yourself. In Lineage II, developing a appearance is not an end in itself. Rather, it is your apparatus to access the ability to accomplish your will in this world. Seize your destiny! Your own duke will address the history of this world.
Combat System In Lineage II, what you see on the awning is in absolute time.
Therefore, it is analytical to accomplish an adapted accommodation bound for every bearings you get in. Lineage II pursues both cardinal appearance and action-oriented appearance by alms client-server synchronization and assembly of a client's action at the aforementioned time.
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